My husband and I met in 2015 at Alla Spina, Broad and Spring Garden. We were friends first, and over the course of a year, that friendship blossomed into romance. Alla Spina closed in 2018, but I was obsessed with the Spring Garden / Spring Arts neighborhood and vowed we'd get married there one day.
Fast forward to May 2021 - we hosted three 'mini' weddings [two outside of and then at Location 215, one at Roy Pitz due to size restrictions] but one of our most memorable moments of a very long day was a walk to capture a few pictures just the two of us. We walked past Love City Brewing and were cheered on by the crowd there, snapped a few shots in front of our favorite murals, and then ascended to the Rail Park for about 25 minutes away from the chaos of our guests where we danced around, took some photos and video, and talked about our wild ride that started less than six years ago in that very neighborhood. They're some of my favorite photos, and the walk was one I'll never forget.