Growing up in Delaware just on the edge of the border with Pennsylvania, I loved going to Philly as a hangout spot with friends. It was a go to especially once I could drive myself after getting my license in high school. Walking around the historical streets, parks, snacking on classics like egg tarts from Bread Top House and bubble tea from Mr. Wish was such a treat I took for granted but look back on very fondly. One time I was there with one of my best friends and it started pouring, so we ran to the nearest shelter to recoup, which happened to be a small hotel on a street in Chinatown and ever since then that spot has been my go to duck and cover spot for when it's raining on a visit. With another friend who I'd often go on runs with, there was one night after a college interview where we met up and ran around the back end of the Art museum, following the glistening Schuylkill River and under the stone arches; it was a beautiful and peaceful night, perfect for a good run (though never again after a huge meal of buns and noodles). There were many weeks or days where I would drive up to volunteer with a camp called Project Brother Love or just spontaneously go with some friends to reach out to the homeless and see if there was anything we could help them with. Learning their stories always helped widen my view of the world; I felt as if I could see totally different lives and perspectives through my conversations with these neighbors of mine. I was by no means in Philly for a majority of my time growing up in that area but the city has so much to share that the little time I did spend there has gifted with me with many many sweet memories :)