In 2014, my Write Sky project finally happened! Instead of seeing all the different names for Callowhill as divisions, I sought to bring together the groups that called this place Callowhill, Chinatown North, the Eraserhood, Trestletown, or the Tenderloin. Thinking of the sky as a space we all share, I asked community groups to come together and write out different messages that would be broadcast to the whole city by skywriting planes.
After a year of trying to coordinate the availability of community groups, pilots, and weather, we gathered on September 14, 2014 to have a barbecue on the base of the pre-Rail Park, and watch the plans fly overheard and write our messages!
Those three messages were:
- WHEN YOU WISH UPON A PARK, message by Friends of the Rail Park
- SCIENTIA (knowledge) 正义(justice) IT TAKES A VILLAGE, message by Folk Arts-Cultural Treasures Charter School and Roman Catholic High School
- STILL HERE, message by Hive76, with artists Jacque Liu, Jaime Alvarez, Sarah Kate Burgess, and Mary Smull.